{strawbess} `TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
Monday, August 29, 2005

heys. today was fun n nice i guess. haha. now having cs but we r doin nuthin now. hehe. surprisingly, todae we can go to blogs n friendster. cool huh? hehe. so durin geog, i decided to be noti n not pay attention to tat siow guy. n i went blog-hopping. went to some of our klazmates blog. hehe. well, lets recap. today, went to sch like normal. saw *ahemahem*. yar. den walk n walk n walk to sch. so boring. ok, then had stoopid mass run. but it was ohkayye lar. el was urm. went through our paper. wic is done terribly. BUT. haha. OUR KLAZ GOT THE BEST MARKS FOR ENGLISH IN THE WHOLE LEVEL. well done g[one]rs! im reli damn proud of our klaz lar. ms chan says our choral readings excellent! witches! gothic! haha. our klaz trend. ok. tat was rubbish. yar. so either our klaz or another klaz [think its cee2] will be performing in front of 5 other schs! cooool... n im kinda irritated. coz our klaz got 31 gotchas n was supposed to be the klaz tat won. but instead s1[?!] got it. but haha. they make a mistake in counting the gotchas. SO WE WON! YAYS! n latha says that we will be getting a better prize. aya. s1 so paiser ler like tat. n now we haf 14 gotchas. im reli veri proud bcuz laz term we got all those 31 gotchas bcuz we kinda begged n forced the teachers for it. but tis time. the teachers gave it to us w/o us pasterin em! yay! im sooooooooooooooooooo proud of all the g[one]rs! ok. muz move on. yeah. then had geog. like i said, i wasnt listening at all. too distracted to be true. yeah. den had p.e. played badminton. fun. then joined the rest and played frisbee n sum1 knocked tat frisbee onto my head. OUCH! SO PAIN LA.]= then now, there's bump. ]= so sad. then had recess. gulped down 3 whole glasses of milo. haha.
then had lit. bah. so boring. yar den now la! cs! hehe. every1 is on msn kay. hehe.

gee1 is f-i-n-e fine, down the l-i-n-e line.
so we l-o-v-e love you, all the t-i-m-e time.
gee1 is b-e-s-t best, beat the r-e-s-t rest.
so yeah! yeah! yeah! for 1gee1!!!!!

gettin back csp marks later. how terrifying! i bet only like 2 or 3 super smart ones r goin to pass. coz everybody's so sure tat they will fail. sigh. ]= ok. tats it kaye.
. because of you, i never stray too far from the sidewalk
. because of you, i learnt to play on the safe side so i don't get hurt
. because of you, i find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
. because of you, i'm afraid...
. my heart has been bruised. by you. only you.
. sayonara. till we meet again.
. love always, me...<3

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-12:42 PM-

Friday, August 26, 2005

Heys. Yesterday was sooo bad la. Sucha bad day. Yar. Coz we had the terrifying csp test. Dun tink I will do well. Even after studying 4 soo long. ]= anyways, yest was very tragic. Ok. Very. N I cried wic is so embarrassing. N she saw it. MORE embarrassing ler. But shes not observant enuf so maybe she dun c it. So after ms tan settled the matter, we had the test. Damn horrible la. I left like so many blanks. Oh god. I reli hope sumaiya gets better. Im so worried bout her. Its getting worse. God bless her. Amin. Then went back home tired. Tis morn went 4 drama. Did nothing much except 4 designing the advertisement n tat one oso me, syaztiqah n hannatasha havent finish. Sigh. And then had dikir barat. Wic was surprisingly interesting. Bcuz of the sec3s. [= n hannatasha got addicted to the song so much. yar. N SYAZTIQAH N I STILL HAVENT FINISH OUR LIT!!! GAH!!! Help us. ]= ok. Tats it 4 today. Short n sweet. Ok. Rubbish. And with tat
. do you know how much im hurting?
. do you even noe I exist?
. do you know how much I miss you?
. do you know tat my life’s worthless without you?
. do you know I love you?
. guess not. So goodbye 4 now. Till we meet again
Hunnystar;honey;angelinheaven;FREAKYSTRANGER<3 F

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-11:21 PM-

Thursday, August 18, 2005

haha. today was ok.
damn pissed with the dental.
made me wait 4 the whole recess.
n i had to go 4 lessons tired, thirsty n tired ler..
duno y im sooooo moody today.
like everything is wrong.
n csp test is being posppned till next fri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my life's too boring.
nothing to tok about.
anyways, i bet syaztiqah wud be hapi coz she oleti got tat pen.
thanks kak-farrah/farrah-jie.
tats it.


I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-8:42 PM-

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Heys. Haha. Im back. After not bloggin 4 quite long. Haha.
Ok. Im bored. Still need to memorise the poem. Urgh. Hope I can do it by today.
These past few days was ok. Yays!!!! Common test’s over! Finally… BUT…sigh.. I still haf my csp exam. Think im goin to flunk it. Maybe the first 2 terms I was lucky la. But lets hope I dun fail tis test. Coz its goin to be much harder than last term. Sigh. N I missed some csp lessons. Sigh. ALL the best to the csp ppl!
Esp all my gud frenz. Lemme name: hanna, sabby/(rina!), mira, vaish, lava, liyana etc etc... But gud luck to the rest to kay?? All the best guys! Study hard!
Ok. Lets recap. Math exam wasn’t as hard as everybody expected.(((: ok. Then weekend went to suntec. Celebrate father’s birthday. So after tat went to watch fireworks. My arm ache from takin the video 4 so long! Ah! Haha. So jus now haf 2.4 stoopid la. But im reli not satisfied with my timing la. Expected to do below 13. sigh. Nevamind. Its over. N I improved.(((: haha. MY ALL-TIME MOTIVATOR LA. HEHE. Reli. Ok. Rubbish n crap. Ok. Csp was ?nice? jus now. Coz we wer like laughing n tokin all the way lar. Never been so distracted durin csp lar. Tat liy-zakk n sabby lar. Got me distracted with all those nonsense! Haah. But itz veri fun n nice la.(: hehe. N shucks. Jus now, ms tan was like monitorin us wen we wer doin our work. I shared the buk with liy-zakk cos she didn’t bring. Then ms tan came. N I flipped thru the page to find tis particular chi character la. Den… I ACCIDENTALLY TURNED TO THE PAGE WHERE SABBY WROTE TIS SUMONE’S NAME LA. Shit. N im so positive she saw. Ok. Nevamind la. N I think she oso saW what I wrote on my hand! Urgh. Nevamind. Haha. Posr too long oleti. Gtg memorise my poem!haha! byez!

“my love for you will never end… you’ll always be a part of me..
As long as time keeps on passing by… you’ll always be my baby boy…”

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-8:35 PM-

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Coz I juz realsed tat I haf veri little links… n my blog’s boring…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ………
haha…common test 2day was gr8…u mite be wondering y Im saying tat…muz be crazy rite?? Actuali no lar…im juz veri happy!! 3 exams down!! 3 more left..urgh.. lit there’s nothing much to study…sci need to memorise some stuff oni n math?? Hopeless. Sigh. Haha. El n mly was okay I guess. Geog slitely hard coz seow didn’t teach us…stooooopiiiid la… there’s nothing much to say lar..hehe..got highly distracted during mly test juz now. But luckily, its at the last part. That HANNATASHA la…I was bored. Nothing to do after doin the paper mah. Den saw hannatasha lookin out of the window n giggling n smiling. So I kaypo la. Look oso. She was looking at SOME ppl. Hehe. N I get wad she is doin. Den she look at me n laugh (silent laugh) Her laugh very contagious la. Like aish’s laugh. Haha. I started giggling n I nearly burst out laughing but thank god I managed to control myself. Hehe.ok. so I looked at ct la. Den ct was OSO lookin outside haha. Smiling to herself. Haha. Tat time I reli karn control myself la. i laughed too. Not loud. Hehe. I noe ms tay smells sumthin fishy. Hehe. Ooohhhh…but we weren’t cheating rites??? Hehe. It’s the nicest mly exam la. Hoho. N geog was nice too. I saw em. Kakaz… hannatasha, syaztiqah n I r planning to steal their desks n chairs cuz they never seem to lock their class. HAHA…l-a-m-e…rubbish. Ok. Tats it I guess. MY LIFE IS EVER SO BORING….BYES!!! (any idea how to spice up tis blog???)

love, hunnystar; honey; angelinheaven; FREAKYSTRANGER<3

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-6:59 PM-

Monday, August 08, 2005

Haha. Juz now was ok lar. Yest went to kuzzins house to celebrate adila’s birthday. Haha. Was ok lar. Ate a lot. Heh. B4 dat went to search 4 tat stoopid purple shirt. Juz now, came to sch n went str8 to the PINK room. Haha. Love it! Den we practiced a bit b4 performing. N we did horribly la! We screwed it all up. I was so nervous at the 1st part tat I was shivering n I missed some of my notes n played those tat r not mine! Haha! Den some notes were missing n we were kinda soft. As said by many. ): Haha. N WANI got lost while conducting. Hehe. Syaztiqah tinks tat its cute(?!)Den, watched the concert 4 a while den went home. B4 tat, went to far east to eat 1st. haha! We were supposed to go to tiong bahru but we sort of lost our way. Hehehe. So went to far east instead. Den natalie was in the same bus. She was alone kay. She oso went to far east, so we tot “oohh. Muz be meeting her bf one la… tats y she’s on the fon n smiling away.” Hanna: “she? Haf a bf?” n start laughing. Haha. L-a-m-e.Bt she met Adeline instead hu luk like…urmm…????? Unexplainable. Hehe. Tats it I guess. Byexx!!

Luv, hunnystar;honey;angelinheaven;freakystranger

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-12:42 AM-

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Saturday was a gr8 day. Haha. Went 4 angklung frm 8 to until 12. saw nat. she was going for hockey instead of angklung. ); n syaztiqah overslept n came like arnd 10. SO EARLY AH…haha. We benefited a lot frm tat session. Hehe. N Natasha Ashikin frm 3s1 so suddenly joined the F grp. Laz time, she is in duno wad grp la. Hmmm. I smell sumthing very fishy haha. N she sat beside hannatasha le… woots…Blushing n smiling. So obvious rites? Hehe. Anyway, we wer toking bout TELETUBBIES. Yays!! N natasha likes po! Haha. If she oni knew the real meaning. Ok rubbish. Wen it ended, it was raining damn heavily. So, cikgu hantar me, hannatasha, syaztiqah, Diana, nas n rabiatul to the mrt station. While waiting 4 her, we had a hard hard tiome trying to hide frm tis sum1!haha. very funnie. Hehe. N the results 4 the j.k are~~~~
President – fadhilah
v. president – fasihah
secretary – sakinah
treasurer – amillin
j.k dalam – arfah
j.k. luar – NATASHA
haha. Aktuali, we r kinda disappointed. Wad we voted 4 is the opp way. Sigh. Hannatasha suspects tis had sumthing to do with kak fah. Ok, so went home by train n wen I got home I rest 4 a while den went 4 the wedding dinner. My uncle’s. hehe. N I saw andreyana. She’s damn chio now. Im serious. The chio-est gal ive seen in my life. N not fair. She’s much taller den me now. The wedding dinner was oh-kayye lar. N the next day, I woke up like arnd 7.30 juz to finish up my hm. But I still karn finish it so I bring it with me. Went to the wedding ceremony (not dinner, diff thing) n I was seriously bored to death.ok. so there are like so much rice left after the wedding ceremony. A LOT. Enuf to feed the whole of cgs (ok, im exaggerating.) so, after tat went to the tahlil thingy. So sad. Tis year’s tragic. Three of my kuzzins (or wadeva) has passed away. Innalillah. Yar. Den we stayed there 4 quite some time n den wnet back home. Juz wen we r going to the expressway, my aunt (or izzit grandaunt?) koled us n asked us to u-turn. Coz they terlanggar tis stoopeeed Indian guy. Drama jer banyak. Shud haf asked him to join our mly drama. He’s not injured yet he pretended to be. Bcoz of him, we had to stay at the hospital till like 1. n wad r the results? No injuries. Juz sakit sikit jer. Damn infuriating la. So I slept like arnd 2. 3 hrs of sleep! Imagine! So im very sleepy now. In klaz. Hehe. Shall post tis later at home.hehe. N I did sumthing noti. Reli noti. Until affect tis persons emotions gr8ly. Im so sori la! Gosh. Haha. Ok. Tats it. My post is too long oleti. Tataz!
Love, hunnystar;honey

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-9:10 PM-

Yesterday was a total nitemare 4 me. Reli. Let me recap on the past few days. So bz dat I haf no time 4 blogging. Aiya. Hehe. On thurs was damn embarrassing. TAKE CLOSE NOTE OF EVERY WORD TAT IM SAYING. Ok. Tat was rubbish. But juz look out. We took the train laz wed n thurs. on wed, we managed to get to school safe n sound. But thurs…errr…we kinda get lost. Wen we alighted the train at jurong east, we embarrassingly alighted at the wrong side. ITS SO EMBARRASSING!!!!so we eneded up going towards boon lay. Syaztiqah n I alighted at Chinese garden n we saw another crescentian. Luckily. Hahax. But tat’s not the embarrassing part. The embarrassing part is tat TINKY-WINKY SAW US!!!!AHHH!!!she was like staring at us like we r some idiots. Ya, we r at tat time. She was on the train on the opp side of the platform. Gahh!!! I wonder if po was with her. Karn reli see. Didn’t wear my specs. Speaking of specs, I reli want to get a new one cuz my degree is not accurate n oso, I tot of getting specs like my kak sedare. Its nice. But I dun dare to raise tat topic to my parents coz they will yell at me. Juz bought mine a few months ago. Hehe. N syaztiqah, hannatasha n I stayed back like until 6. tats kinda late but we haf our special reasons! Haha. *winks* ok. On fri, nothing much happen. Missed csp. Tats kinda gud. Supposed to haf pbl but tak jadi. (shhhh….dun tell ms. Tan ok? She will kill me XD.) watched the “parade” by the ncc. Haha.PARADE. OK. Then went home. Haha. The end. Byezzz!!!
Love, hunnystar;honey

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-8:58 PM-




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