{strawbess} `TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
Saturday, October 29, 2005

yest was last day of sch. both gd n bad at the same time.
keer's last day yest. =[ omg. what's happening to gee1? like everybody's migrating.
gee1's breaking up! waaahhh!!! =[
had clean n green day.
the s2 classroom so dirty can.
den we cleaned it.
den had tat "appreciation note" thingy.
so touching k.
like some even cried. =[
thanx to genny, keer, hanna, ct n cher 4 the appreciation notes! <3
den went 4 drama jus now. the costumes ppl did nothing. and the rest did nothing much too.
den had dikir barat.
was funny. =]
the sec 3s keep craking up jokes. lolol
then went home alone. sigh.
helped mum clean the house.
so guai huh?
saw them before going home! =]
tats it in my boring life.
never assume who are the them im referring to k.
dont want YOU to get the wrong idea. i know u know that im referring to u. =]
enjoy the hols!

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:26 PM-

Thursday, October 27, 2005

back to blogging agn.
sch was boring as usual.
but today was nice. played games. =]
haha. played the murderer game, the blow wind blow game and the message game. haha!
all very nice and funny!
well, got back our report book.
i did badly as usual. so yah.
but i improved la.
and ms karen tan says that what matters is that you improved from mids to eoy. =D
i shall update on the photos soon kay?


im going nuts.



I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-8:43 PM-

Monday, October 24, 2005

hey ppl. haha
i've only uploaded the term1 b'day party pics.
shall upload the rest next time.
lazy la.
god. punish her for not fasting.
im serious. no joking. she just HAVE to wake up now or she never will...
do you know that it is a GREAT GREAT sin???
im so sleepy! YAWNS...ZzZzZzZ
im trying to help you but nobody can help you if you dont help yourself. im doing what i think is best for you.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-9:36 PM-

Thursday, October 20, 2005

haha. havent been blogging since so long already. actually, very lazy to update lah. sigh. life's so screwed lately. sigh. everything's horrible. doing nothing in sch 2moro. sat got drama n ymc meeting. *yawns* yeah. an the plan. very lazy wanna go plaza singapura, shopping and all lah. yeah. had no mass run jus now. =] then met mrs(or izit ms? i duno la) ang and she told us some crap bout the exchange thingy. haha. and i was like asking hanna, "are you going?" and then she replied, "no, i will miss singapore" haha. funny la tat gal. anyways, if ur reading this, cheer up kay? watever reason it may be. =] n ct n i stupidly 4get to collect our prizes after sch. =[ ahwell. its over already. oh ya. how can i 4get tt we went to the newater thing? haha. it was okay i guess. dun reli like it. water still in bag. havent take out. and the rest of the day, - no comments. im feeling super bored now. gtg make my other blog. tataz.
ur hurting, im hurting more.
so pls- change it. change the world. change ur beautiful life.
how come samarium kena book one?! unfairness!!!
i wanna sleep but i cant-
ur oblivious to this rite? haha.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-9:32 PM-

Monday, October 03, 2005

heys. im feeling uber bored. its oleti the end of year. sigh. time reli flies so fast kayy. how i wish this yr wud stay 4eva. i dowan the sec4s to go away. ='[ so gonna miss em. sec 3s will then go to sec4. =[ but u haf to look on the bright side rites? we will have our own jniors. =] yays! ok. i heard from my madrasah teacher tat the end of the world is coming soon kayy. so scared lah. =[ she oso got say sumthing about appreciating wadeva the ppl arnd u has done 4 u b4 it is too l8.. so yar. tats wad im goin to do. lemme start of with gee1 1st.
aida- aida! known her for 3 whole years! my goodie goodie fwen! she's a veri sweet n nice n friendly gal. =] love her! <3 still remmeber those pri5 days? haha
aish- haha. the uber funi gal. always make me laugh with her cute jokes. lol. dun reli noe her much but yar. veri nice gal. always make the whole class smile. those crappy jokes. haha.
anchal- anch! sometimes go home together, sumtimes don. haha. she v nice gal one. very interesting to tok to. =]
aneeqa- my efficient math rep! she very nice kay. always say 'thank you' wen u hand in to her ur math bk! so polite n sweet! =]
cherlyn- tis gal always help me in my chi one! so nice rite! so helpful n kind lah! =]
dilly(dilshaad?)- very friendly, like to chit-chat alot. always got sumthing to say one tis gal. like to play pranks. =]
divar- aha! very cute. dubber or sumthing rite? v polite gal one. =]
ferind- ferind! simple plan crazy gal. lolx. she like to smile and n laugh a lot lot lot. haha. veri nice gal oso. =]
gefrey- my dearest partner! love her mann. <333 she's totally cute kay. n veri clever too. she so sweet n friendly n nice! my beloved partner! cheers! =]
hyeon- eeyore! oleti known her since the 1st wk of sch. nice n v friendly gal. very cute kay. chubbycheeks! =]
joyce- u will find her quiet gal if u dunno her. if u noe her, u will find tat she's v nice kay. very very nice. sitting beside her now. very helpful too. =]
keerthana- keer! haha. she n her 5 ahems. haha.( farrah, masliana?) lolx. im so mean. but nevamind. inside joke. lolx. btw, if ur reading tis, tell me kay?
fx- cutey-mutey. friendly gal. know her thru her friendliness=]
latha- gee1's super efficient chairman! love her! so nice, friendly n helpful! always smiling n laughing. so cheerful! =]
lavanya- haha. tis crazy gal.(according to hanna =p) haha. she veri nice one la. she will always help u one. i like the way she toks. very cute one! =]

tats it for nor.
shall continue in the next post lah.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-8:40 PM-

Saturday, October 01, 2005

heys. been a long time since i blogged. yesh. let's recap. had csp oral on wed. was fun kay [= during luch we jus karn stop laughing. =D tat mila n hanna***** lah. =p then we took a short walk as usual. mira kept making jokes kay. then when we went to the 1gee3 classroom we stopped. until, UNTIL. haha! damn farni lah. =p saw farrah ermx. haha. i duno how to put it in2 words. now when i think of it rite, it still makes me laugh =D haha. de oral was screwed up kay. ms tan said the lowest was 12, highest 19. so damn clever sia. its either hanna or tat nanthini gal. yar. ok then thurs was ok i guess. n the gal sitting beside me kept repeating the same song FIVE TIMES kay. haha. den yest had csp test n el test too. el was kinda tough. csp okay i guess. after all those "USEFUL" tips i got from sum1. haha. den went home with sab. hanna n vaish abandoned me lah. =[ den saw tis dead cat. yuck. got info from xuAn. den janow had mly paper. it was okay too i guess. hehex. monday no need come to sch!!! yays!!! <3 im so goin to do my art wic is still untouched kay. tsk. gtg now. till then. bye!!!
francium and hydrogen rox! samarium too!
if ur reading tis, wic i doubt u will, im so NOT a crook kay. think wadeva u wanna think. [=

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:06 PM-




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