{strawbess} `TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

had been very busy these past few days.
and i've yet to start studying k. sigh
the oral yest and on mon was ok i guess.
surprisingly, my teacher showed us the marks the next day k.
she wasnt supp to anyway
and i got 92 only.
pathetic la.
the highest was 98 i think. ya. =[[
so, had drama on saturday.
was a success.
and i found out from someone that someone took some idiotic pics and then i told another someone who told me that she already knew. =/
like you cant figure out what im trying to say.
so after that didnt went for pizza.
went to attikah's parents stall to eat dinner together. (it was free!!)
and it was great too. *bonding*
so yah.
looking forward to next yr's production. =]

oh. and i tried telling farhanah to go to our sch but her mum insists that she go to bpgh instead! hmph.
so cgs is her 2nd choice. =[

yup. looking forward to this friday!
barbecue with the pbmc-ers!

and i just realised i have to link up ppl.


I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-4:34 AM-

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

drama nowadays is very tiring
but fun! =D
ya. dikir yest was nice.
very funny and fun.
and went to arab st to get the costumes.
it was fun looking through all those pretty and funny and weird costumes. =]
got a lot of nice gowns. =D
yeah. ate and walked arnd
and drama just now was ok
oh dammit
have to do the make up this saturday
and i've only sold like what? 2 tix?
so pathetic. bleah
oh ya
that reminds me
im SO miserable now!
my sim card has gone bonkers.
and it suddenly became spolit!
waaaaaaahhhhhhh! ='[
so now i cannot contact anyone!
and i only remember like 3 numbers?
so hard for me to contact the others! =[
wth. why must this happen now of all times? grr
so yeah.
so dont sms me for the mean time.
just call my house or smth if its really urgent.
dont know the number?
ask any g[one]r
they'll know. =]

so i have nothing to blog about

never thought that this will happen


trying hard to forget

and ya.
i have smth to give you!
see you on msn then i give k?


I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-10:29 PM-

Sunday, November 20, 2005

went for jalan raye with the gee1 mly ppl on fri.
was nice.
well, lets recap. =]
met at 10 at boon lay mrt
then went to ferind's house.
ohwell. and we got lost.
aiyah. that mira, aisyah and has also
went there before but dunno where it is.
her house is nice! and we look at her baby photos!
haha. very cute.
then went to mira's house.
was also very nice.
of course la, the terrace so big.
haha. then we all like v jakon liddat
heh. oh ya! and her baby sis is cute! it resembles her somehow. =]
then went to uh. has house.
the view was nice and the chicken rice [?] is delicious.....
then went to my house. journey was tiring.
then went to aisyah's house which is like all the way to redhill. =[
it began to rain and after that went to hanna's house
ate noodles.
then thought of going to arab st to get the costume stuff
but then it is too late. so yeah
went home after that and reached home around 8 plus like that.
then bathed then sleeped. =]

on sat had drama. was kinda boring
and at last! everyone in dikir came on that day. (including hazimah who came for the FIRST time. =/)
practiced a bit then time to go home.
then went to expo for that whatsoever thingy
cikgu's nice! she drove us (me, liy, ct, amira, raihan) from sch to bedok!
i told you she's nice from the start! <3
then took mrt from bedok
then went to the thingy
was fun!
but the treasure hunt thing was tiring.
then the finalists of the anugerah came
amirah took lots of photos and videos of them
i only got 3 three photos
not that obsessed over them anyway.
then went home
oh ya. before that we bought this really pretty sports bra. heh
me, ct, amirah, raihan got the same one, diff color
ok. stop talking bout it.
then we went home
the journey was surprisingly fast
had a nice journey home
then reached home around 6 plus.
that's it.
the end. =]

so it was a tiring day.

but fun. =]

so after all, the finger points back to you.
all those shit from you was for nothing

those faded memories shall remain as it is
i wont forget all those bullshit...

-p6 getting their results this thurs!
lets pray for them!

`no more nonsense from you

why see huh? think i will write something about you here?
anyone reading this, it shows that you are clever enough to find this.
so, if you're clever enough, find my other blog lah!
doubt you will
cos i trust nobody

.not even me.

you made me live in fear, made me feel that i could not trust ANYBODY
go away
i dont wanna see you again
and this time i really mean it

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-9:30 PM-

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

had camp yest
was ok i guess. =]
arrived in sch on tues and had drama at the p.a.t.
the aircon was super cold
and we had nothing to do
so i just lie around
and watch them practising.
had a little bit of dikir
and then it was luch i think
then ate lunch and then prayed before playing the interaction game.
we played police and thief and i fell!
then natasha sec3 and fadhilah sec3 helped me to the g.o.
so nice of em
anyways, after that had more drama-ing and we practiced the dikir some more
then prayed then had dinner
haha. cikgu so nice can. =]
moved to the mpr
then we prayed again before we bathed and then...
i forgot la huh
too many things happened
oh ya.
after that had some more dikir
then we watched the midnight movie.
was funny
then i had a hard time sleeping
and i woke up at around 3 before sleeping again
then woke up at 5.30 like that and bathed
then after praying, we uh.
we packed and moved to the humanities room
then after breakfast moved to the p.a.t.
had more drama
and dikir barat was nice!
then we ate lunch and hanna ct n me went to search for the dikir costumes
then washed it and hang it and then....
i forgot again
so basically we had a lot of drama-ing during the camp
kinda boring la
then felt happy when we were FINALLY released
cabbed home
with ct
the end

i still have 3 tix to sell mind you
how come siti sec3 can finish selling all already?
going jalan raya with the goners 2moro
but mummy dont allow! dammit la she
cos she say my leg still not ok
and i just realised that my wound is heart-shaped! =D
as in a perfect heart shape. =]

thats it i guess





(oh no! im going to be in 2g1 next yr! =[)

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-10:17 AM-

Monday, November 14, 2005

had drama jus now.
was ok i guess
was released early so liy, naz and me went to town. =]
had been a super long time since i went there.
we went "shopping" for more than 2 hrs. hehx.
we bought this "bracelet" thing. but its not reli a bracelet lah.
haha. liy's was bright pink n naz's was black.
then we wore it together
then walked around, going in2 every shop.
and i lost those pretty clips that i bought! =[
i searched everywhere but couldn't find it!
think i dropped it cause i put it inside my pocket. =[
now i have no clips to use. =[
and i am so not wearing my younger sis's clips.
all so flowery and childish.
what to expect.
stupid 6 yrs old.
then at arnd 4 we left and i just remembered that i 4get to buy my slippers when i was waiting for the bus.
so i went to plaza sing ALONE and bought my slippers.
tomorrow have drama camp.
wth la.
so not looking forward to it la can.
so tiring
then thurs and fri the goners will be going for the jalan raye thing
then sat have drama like AGAIN.
then sun need to go to my madrasah place collect report book.
no rest for me
tat's it la huh

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-8:36 PM-

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-4:10 AM-

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I would give up everything
Before I'd seperate myself from you
After so much suffering
I finally found unvarnished truth
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heartache would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life

Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with graditude
'Cause baby I'm so thankful I found you

I will give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
'Cause without you beside me I can't survive
Don't wanna try
If you keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be alright
'Cause I need you in my life

Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with graditude
And I'm so thankful I found you

See I was so desolate before you came to me
Looking backI guess it shows that we were destined
To shine over the rain to appreciate
The gift of what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feelThis way

Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with graditude
See baby I'm so thankful I found you
Thank God I found youI was lost without you
I'm overwhelmed with graditude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you
I'm overwhelmed with graditude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-3:50 PM-

Monday, November 07, 2005

as per request by hyeon,
here's the latest update. =]
hari raya on thurs.
went to my grandma's and grandpa's as usual
it was boring la.
then didnt go anywhere on fri.
on sat went out with my kuzzins
on sunday too. but only for a short while.
then my family went to my other kuzzins houses.
i havent done a single homework.
and i havent done anything for drama
and i havent studied for my madrasah this sunday!!!!!!
i better start everything now.
oh yah.
and sab was shocked to find out that her kayya has a twin!
unexpected huh sab. *winks*
got her add.
wonder what i'm gonna do with it...
**** rocks!
******** rocks!

ignore all those crap.
im so bored. =[

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-4:33 PM-




anything here
anything here
anything here
anything here


anything here


anything here


music code here


cbox code here