{strawbess} `TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today was just -
Like really nth interesting happened or anything
You-know-who approached me first at cck..
I didn't see her ok. Then yeah.
Started off the day being so pissed. GREAT.
Then no mass run! Tt's good al least.
No better still, no PE! Cause mrs heng didn't come! =D
That's the super good part lah.
Mly was kinda boring. Spent the two periods doing some crappy ringkasan.
Then aft recess, had geog. Was like normal. Not interesting, not boring. (I don't know what's tt supp to mean actually.)
Then math? Mrs lim got pissed with us, one of them me of course.
Cause she say this yr we really changed.
Our grades are all like plunging and we slacked a lot.
(And I actually failed BOTH math test. How CLEVER of me right.)
Many didn't hand in hm so like 3/4 of the class we made to stay back. =/
I only didn't hand in 4 times! (ok. Fine. The worst was 7 times.)
So im counted as kinda bad.
Then she bullied us (according to priya)
She made us do all the work that we owe and she made us do our hm for today too which was supp to be handed in tomorrow!
I agree with priya.
But nvm. She's still very nice lah.
If other teachers I think they will give demerits already.
Then aft tt just went back home, study chi blahblahblah.
And I still got a lot to study for chi!!!
Im dead.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:46 AM-

Monday, February 27, 2006

Started out going to sch with you-know-who.
Not tt I asked for it.
I just FATEFULLY bumped into her.
Day had been very boring.
Lessons as usual.
Just tt sci was kinda horrid.
Cause everybody keep on laughing and laughing.
Haha. ok. I admit I laughed a bit too lah.
Math test was so so.
Just tt in all math test, I seemed to realize how to do tt sum at the last min ok.
So in the end I got not enough time to change and everything.
Then aft sch went to ps with you-know-who
Im so darn sick and tired of her lah can.
She treat me like wth can.
Hateeeee her.
Im just too tired of her to be elaborating her bullshit here.
And you know what, she actually discriminated 2g1.
Wth lah
Want more info, come ask me personally. =/
Then arnd 6 went to jp
To find our stuff.
And Amanda and you-know-who kept arguing and "debating" about everything.
Then went home kinda late. Very tired.

Im so heartbroken seeing you like this.
You never seem to be happy.
Every sad face I see you in breaks my heart little by little.
You're not the same person I used to know before this.
Im sorry for everything that I've done.
I've broken your heart and I've broken mine too.
I cry silently every night thinking of you.
I love you for who you are.
Not for what you've done.
I know its all my fault, I admit.
Im not saying that I don't like to help you with *****.
I do, I even get to make friends with her.
I miss those smiles, those laughter.
I hope that things will get better soon.
Even all my close friends outside crescent or in crescent knows who you are.
Im really proud having you as a friend.
But I cant take it anymore seeing you like this.
So if you're reading, I just wanna say to you tt I still love and treasure you.
I know you wont be able to forgive me.
But its okay. Everyone makes mistakes.
I may not get the chance to say this to you again.
Thanks for being there when I really need you.
Thanks for everything.

Lots of love, Hanisah

And I just realized that what hyeon said was true.
Maybe not fully true, but kinda true.
And I learnt today that it is no good to love or treasure someone so much, or too much.
Cause when you have to part with them, the pain is too much for you to bear.
Or maybe even every little things that they say to you might be very hurtful.
So, I've learnt a very valuable lesson today. And im glad. =)
Cause if I don't, it will go on forever.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:56 AM-

Friday, February 24, 2006

Today turned out nicer than the past few days.
But im so tired now.
Started out with me being just in time to sch as usual.
Then mass run, slacked a lot. Never slacked so much. Heh.
Then music was great. Had lotsa fun.
Haha! and our group's dance was silly but still very cute!!!
"bunny bunny, hop hop hop, hop hop hop, shake and shake.
Bunny bunny, swim swim swim, swim swim swim, down and down.
Bunny bunny, hoola hoola, hoola hoola, eygpt eygpt"
Haha! it already sounds so silly and with the actions, its much sillier! =p
Then the dance the instructor taught was super nice lah. =)
But so fast cannot really catch up. Heh
Then had recess.
After tt, English. We acted out the skit and it was all so funny! Really enjoyed it!
Then mly, kartinie didn't come so had 2 free periods. haha.
And mira and nat just cant stop singing. And hanna and ct keep dancing.
Then sab I dunno do what. Haslinda very guai do some work.
Then me, aisyah, ferind and aliffah did the silly bunny dance and the para-para dance thing. Very funny!
Then cs was niceeeee. =)
Aft sch had pbl. And like many of us were made to stand. =/
Ohwell. I dint listen too so whats the point.
After pbl, went to town.
Was kinda boring though.
Maybe cause I have no money tt's why I cant spend. Haha.
Then went home with Hanizah.
Felt so awkward (weird)?
And we actually thought that this man in the train was crazy talking to himself but he was actually talking on the I dunno what its called. Oops. =p
Anyways, my hands were already aching so badly because of everything I had to carry. And I was half-dead then. My eyes can hardly open. And my hands were too tired to even reply the sms I got.
Felt like heaven when I reached home. =)

Sch started out ok.
Just tt gen didn't come and I hafta sit alone. =(
Then had math. Was ok. And I did badly AGAIN for my math test. =(
Then el was so so.
Sci was kinda draggy, mly did nth much.
Then aft sch, got no csp.
And I actually forgot tt I was supp to meet mei for our project so I went back all the way to sch. =/
Had intended to meet the g3s at Queensway.
Then halfway through my journey then mei called to say tt her greman was cancelled.
Reached sch at around nearly 4.
Then did nth much for the project. Then surfed the net. Blahblahblah.
Went home, very tired.
So I bathed, ate a light dinner and slept.
And I actually had this funny funny dream. Haha!
Then woke up for awhile then slept back agn till this morn.

Today im going to mug for my math and esp, Chinese!
Ohoh. And I think that nobuhiro's super cute!!!=p
just my good luck to have his grp as my exchange grp. =)
he looks smart too. And his fav subj is SCIENCE.
Bye. =)

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-11:15 PM-

Monday, February 20, 2006

Im going to start a new life from now on. =]
No more bad memories.
Anyways, I wanna recap for the past week or so.
Last week was terrible.
Shan't elaborate.
Angklung practices are okay. Not so stressful.
Had been asking my father to pick me up and send me to sch lately cause im just in no mood to go by public transport.
But sat was ok? Had the reunion thing.
And I cant believe tt evelyn Norris is still alive.
Sorry, but I thought tt she was um. You know.
Angklung performance was kinda ok to me cause we did kinda well considering the fact tt we only had 4 practice sessions.
And the food was yummy! =D
Ate like 6 pieces of the cheesecake. Heh.
Then like almost everybody had second servings.
Except for aisyah cause she had 7 servings if im not wrong. Haha
Then studied and did hm during the wkends. Didn’t go out much.
Then today, woke up late cause I forgot to reset the alarm on my phone.
So ended up kinda late to sch. Or just on time.
Cause some ppl are just walking too slowly in front of me.
It's the second time tt I actually dropped my tablet into the classroom through the window.
Then had el which was very funny.
Cause the skit was just silly.
Lit was so so. Cause mr m kept picking on the ppl in front, which includes me.
Im horrible in lit. =/
Maths, ok. Then recess.
Intended to complete chi but not in the mood.
And the talk with sab was (effective?)
Like we want to say so much, but nothing much came out.
At least now its better.
And hanna's being strong-headed, trying to escape from everything.
Had geog and sci. eyes were half-opened.
Then sci test was so-so too. No comments.
Then after sch, me, latha, aisyah, priya and cher went to queenstown library.
And aisyah insists on walking saying tt its ONLY a 10min walk.
But it actually took us 15-20 mins to get there ok!
Was intending to discuss about the koyo project.
But instead we spent time, eating and talking at the cafe. Haha.
And the food there damn ex lor! Guess I'll have to go on a diet for the next few days. =[
Then had a fun time. Thanks guys for cheering me up. =]
Hah. esp to my blog-fan, latha. Haha!
And priya's jealous bout the fact tt my exchange grp in japan has cute guys in it. =p
She was like complaining about how ugly the guys in her grp are. Haha. so mean!
Anyways, I was kinda shocked tt they were unaware of whats going on.
I thought its damn obvious leh.
Then went home with latha.
That's the end of my LIFE.

Anyways, im not putting this in my blog to spite anyone.
Its just tt HANNA is being super strong headed and refuses to listen.
Since this is my only way of communicating with you.
Just wanna tell you tt if you think im a coward, you're worse off cause you're running away from everything and not facing up to it. I admit every single thing tt I've done. And I am taking responsibility for it. I don't know what the hell is going on in your mind. You're not perfectly innocent too. and you know tt. Everybody involved in this is not. Everyone make mistakes, I can accept tt. But I just cant accept the fact tt you go around making FALSE conclusions about everything. You don't even know the truth. You can choose to hate me and tell to everyone bout it. But don't get INNOCENT ppl involved. You wanna hate me, go ahead. But don’t include Hanizah in it. Or think bad things about her. Or that I ALWAYS listen to her. Cause I don't. there are some things bout her behaviour tt I don’t like too. she's perfectly innocent. Think whatever you wanna think. Im tired of your bullshit. I don't want a reply cause im sure you're just gonna come up with some bullshit again. Tata.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:52 AM-

Sunday, February 19, 2006

new skin.
new life.
the reason why i change my skin is because this skin has more functions.
and so that i will forget the bad past.
i want to totally forget everything.
i know tt everyone hates me.
so here's a new life for me.

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-2:28 AM-

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yest and today was not bad I guess.
Had been ok for me.
Yest, had mass run =[
I had to run but was lagging behind lah.
The whole gang was like way in front already.
At first I cannot run but the second half SUDDENLY can run.
Heh. Why? Cause I saw ***! =D
Boost my energy. But so sad.
She was still sick. =[
And she looked so pale! Pity her.
Then had pe. Our pe teacher didn't come.
(gosh! I suddenly like totally forgot her name! =/)
Then had mly. As usual, a lot of writing.
After tt had recess. I was so pissed. Like I can totally explode.
But good thing tt I've let it all out to someone.
Like I just throw whatever was in my mind to her.
How everyone was being so bitchy and all.
And then geog isit? Yeah.
It was kinda interesting.
Then the rest of the day I don't remember what happened.
Just tt I went home super early. Cause im feeling so cranky tt day.
And then today had math first.
Finally, it was a very relaxing lesson.
Good thing is she didn't give us any hm on it! =D
After tt we had el.
Was surfing the net cause my grp finished early.
Then recess went to complete hm.
Sci was OHKAY. And then home ec.
I didn't really have any mood to do tt project thing so I just surf the net lah.
Mly was TIRING as usual.
Hah. You must be wondering why. Nope.
Not the writing part.
Cuase kartinie is always changing the venue for our class!
So we went from the G block to the 2nd floor of the futura block, then 3rd floor, then the humanities rm.
Then we go through it AGAIN.
And then keep going up and down the 2nd and 3rd floor. Just to find kartinie.
Ended up in the 2nd floor classroom.
We had csp at the humanities rm after tt. It was somehow fun today though.
I have no idea why. Maybe sitting on tables changes your mood.
Rather then sitting on the hard wooden floor.
Then went home.
And cher and hanna were like bitching about these 2 ppl.
Haha. and I so blur I thought they were referring to someone else.
But yeah. Cher told me after hanna left.
Im feeling so down now.
Someone cheer me up!
Everyday's a bad day. =[

May god bless my loved ones. =]

You're my pill and I need you dear


I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:27 AM-

Monday, February 06, 2006


I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-4:25 AM-

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The past few days had been tiring(?)
Yeah. Lets see...
Sat went to uh. Gosh.
I totally forgot leh. But I remembered tt I went to sentosa on Sunday.
Haha. kinda sick of going there already lah.
And the place is so... yeah. Ohwell.
Managed to tan A BIT cause the weather was so dark,
Like wanna rain but it didn't. so yeah.
Then the next day went to uh. Grandpa's house and suntec.
But most of the shops close le! =[ stupid.
Ya. Then on tues went to grandma's house cause its her birthday.
And her daughter gave her a diamond ring for her birthday gift ok!
*faints* I so jealous!!! Then went back home and rushed through my mly.
Then today, reached sch early! =D
Um. Then then???
Oh! We had assembly. The skit was stupid la pls.
I don't get what they're trying to say at all.
Then mrs lim came back for math. =[
But good news was tt we found out tt she is only our temporary math teacher! =D
Then eng was ok lah.
Magata refused to tell us more bout the koyo project thing till we finish going through the compre.
But didn't manage to finish by today so yeah, tomorrow. =[
Then recess stayed back to complete tt stupid mly thing.
Then sci was crazy! Haha!
The spitting saliva! Lol.
Xuan kept insisting on playing tt staring game.
Now my eyes very itchy already.
And tt genny kept making me laugh =/
Then had lit. was kinda boring to admit.
Then home ec was fun as usual! =D
We baked some pizza. But mine turned out hard.
But nevermind. Still edible. =]
Then had mly. Had been writing a lot for the past few lessons. =[
Then kartinie so long-winded.
Till we were held back for 25 whole mins.
Then had csp. Was okay lah.
Csp is always interesting.
Cause we get to learn more nice nice chi words.
Like hao yun!
Haha! then went home with has.
I thought I saw kak aisyah with this guy.
But then Im not sure so I just ignore lah.
THEN I saw her in the lrt.
Haha! and she cannot stop saying, "you look so diff!"
Yeah. And had a chat. Was nice cause havent chatted with her for some time.
Ooh. And was like asking me, "did you see me just now in the train?"
And I dunno why but I immediately say no.
Then when she left, I smsed her asking her if she was the one I saw in the train.
Guess what.....
Lol. And she started saying m______ stuff. Yucks. Heh.
Then yeah. Now im at home eating my yummy choc!
Had gulped down hnz's choc now eating the choc my neighbour gave me yest. =]
Tell you im going to grow fat eating chocs everyday lah.
Oh. And who says I dont dare?! I'll show you alright!
Yes yes.
Lol. There. Tts counted right???
Oooh. And im listening to turn it up now!!!
Its super a nice and sexy song alright! =D
Ohwell, im still so hungry now!
Im going to eat le!
But I think I will put up this post like tomorrow??
Cause im writing this in my tpc.
So lazy wanna switch on the comp.
Heh. Im off! Bye!


I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-4:59 AM-




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anything here
anything here
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