{strawbess} `TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
Friday, March 03, 2006

Haven't been blogging these past few days cause im busy and too lazy to update.
So today im going to update for the past few days.

I don't rmb anything much just tt we had csp test.
Seriously, it was horrible. Like all of us hardly study anything and I just do anyhow for like a billion questions. Haha. but I think vaish will do well la cause she really studied ok.
Went home with you-know-who.
She actually waited for me to go home with me ok.
Like right after I handed in my paper she handed in hers too lah.
But it was not tt bad cause we discussed bout my 2A darlings. =)))
Like she told me what happened to each and every one of them.
Then I found out that Doreen is actually a part time actress for channel 8 now!
Gosh. No wonder the girl on tv tt one looks uber familiar. Haha.
Then she was like telling me how shi hui is still ever so stuck up
And how shi min is still so clever.
She had been getting the top in the level since p1 till the p6 prelims!
Like WWOOWW!!!! (super smart eh?)
But her psle she got 2nd. 266. seriously, I think its nt much. Think she’s too overconfident or smth.
But still im so proud of yun ting who got 276!! =D
Like not many schs get such high agg as the top.
And even jing wei got like 270.
And we talked bout afiqah, her gang and they all.
Was really nice and I miss 2A loads loads loads. =(((

I don't rmb much just that we had the same recess as ***! =D
Dance was superb. And now I've mastered the steps already. *beams*
Then aft sch had pbl and aish wonderfully created this idea of making a noise detector. =)
Then angklung tt asmah woman didn't come agn. =/
No doubt that she's a gd instructor but she always never come how to practice!

I rmb everything today! =D
Started of with math. She always like to pick on those who always never hand in hm one.
Like ME, aliffah, padmini, siti, aida, mei etcetc
Then aft that had el. Er.
We did...???
Oh! I just remembered. We went to the library to borrow books.
Cant borrow cause my books were like dunno how long overdue already.
So I borrowed under latha's name.
Spent most of my time there looking at the cook books instead of reading!
Haha. I think im going to try making a CAKE myself. lol.
Then I can save cost instead of buying right???
Then recess didn't went down cause busy surfing the net for all sorts of stuff.
The sch's wireless is very very gd these past few days. =)))
Then had sci. got back our ct papers sigh
Did so badly. But at least im glad to know that some ppl get lower than me and that im not the one who failed right. =)
Cme did the presentation thing but I think my grp's going to do badly cause it was kinda bad.
Did the diary thing and guess what, I put the writer's name as LYDIA. =p
Noone suspects anything lah cause its yet another one of my dirty secrets that I think noone in g1 knows. Hee.
Then mly did some skit thing. Was super nice and funneh!!!
Like all so dramatic and such.
Aft tt, lunch ate a lot. Cause I was half starving. Then saw ppl whom I haven't seen in many many days.
Like roslina. God knows how long I haven't seen her or last sms her. =((
Then the gee1 juniors whom I haven't seen for sooo long too. (except for khairunisa actually cause I saw her yest morn on the way to sch.)
And I feel bad for not going to sch with her nowadays.
Not tt I don't wanna go with her. Just that I always reach redhill very late and she alr got so many demerits don't wanna make her late and get more demerits.
Oh. And hnz too. Like I didn't see her for quite some time.
And I saw the sec4 girl who has the same bday as me too. Haha.
Haven't been seeing her lately also. Her name's samantha baey or smth lah. I dunno.
Then peacehaven was kinda nice. Just that some old folks don't really like to communicate with us.
Then aft that went back to sch and went home lor.
Im kinda worn out now.
Bye. =)))

I WONDER again and AGAIN;
-5:38 AM-




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